Posizione #13,605

Pixel Mega

● Lanciato 25 mesi fa
Binance Smart Chain


What is Pixel Mega ?

?Welcome To PMEGA, a token built for the community with all the characteristics to encourage a safe and rewarding environment. With the liquidity coming only from the dev and not utilizing any ICO or fund raising platform, it allowed the token stability for trade. As the dev locked & loaded the liquidity upon launch, this allowed for a true and natural FAIR LAUNCH strategy for anyone to add or remove tokens at the given value.

Pixel Mega ? (PMEGA) has redefined the way a fair launch should occur, adding assurance to any holders that no liquidity was added through a pre-sale nor is there any paid marketing scheduled at the expense of PMEGA token holders as seen through some traditional token projects that tragically have failed.

The token was created with the mindset of reversing all the traditional characteristics that some tokens/projects have proven to be rug pulls. Such as using holders? money to launch and add liquidity for start up, or continuous marketing on the expense of the token and holders. PMEGA is proud to say it was launched fairly with the greatest intentions.

What Functions Occur When The Token Is Traded ?

r/PixelMega - True Fair Launch In The Crypto World Is Hard To Come By. PMEGA Breaks Barriers With A Slow, Safe & Steady Approach.
Tokenomics of PMEGA by PixelMega.com

The token was built with some features that aim to reward the members through three functions that occur during each trade.

2% Reflection: Occurs through reward that distributes to existing holders

1% LP Acquisition: Added to liquidity.

1% Burn: tokens burned upon each trade

The PMEGA Team

Posizione di Mercato

Nel dinamico e sempre mutevole panorama delle criptovalute, Pixel Mega si è affermato come un giocatore formidabile. Attualmente è classificato #7,267 nel mercato delle criptovalute in base alla sua capitalizzazione di mercato. Questa classifica riflette la fiducia e la sicurezza che il mercato ha in Pixel Mega come asset digitale valido.

Supporto Wallet

Per conservare in modo sicuro i tuoi token Pixel Mega, puoi utilizzare una varietà di portafogli come Trust Wallet, MetaMask, SafePal, Coin98. Questi portafogli forniscono un ambiente sicuro per la gestione e la conservazione dei tuoi asset digitali. È essenziale scegliere un portafoglio che supporta la specifica criptovaluta e offre un alto livello di sicurezza, usabilità e compatibilità con i tuoi dispositivi preferiti.



Prezzo$ 0.(0x10)2556
Market Cap$ 7,985.08
Variazione 24h (%)+0.00%
Offerta Totale-
Offerta Circolante-
Data di LancioMarch 21st 2022, 00:00
Data aggiuntaApril 15th 2022, 23:28
Elencato daPMEGA

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