? Tokenomics
90% PancakeSwap Listing
10% Liquidity Pool
10% tax is charged on each transaction.
This will be divided into 4 parts;
? Marketing Wallet (4%)
A 4% Marketing fee from every transaction into the marketing wallet whereas will be used on the growth of the project.
? Liquidity (3%)
A 3% liquidity fee from every transaction contributed, is automatically generating liquidity that is locked to provide a sustainable liquidity pool.
? Reflection to Holders (2%)
A 2% reflection fee from every transaction rewarding our holders for holding the base floor to grow as we take a step forward on every milestone.
? Deflationary Burn (1%)
A 1% deflationary burn fee frkm every transaction to autoatically burn the tokens, increasing the value of the token imminently.
Market Rank
In the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of cryptocurrencies, Zuko inu has established itself as a formidable player. It is currently ranked #11,640 in the cryptocurrency market based on its market cap. This ranking reflects the trust and confidence that the market has in Zuko inu as a viable digital asset.
Wallet Support
In order to securely store your Zuko inu tokens, you can use a variety of wallets such as Trust Wallet, MetaMask, SafePal, Coin98. These wallets provide a safe environment for managing and storing your digital assets. It's essential to select a wallet that supports the specific cryptocurrency and offers a high level of security, user-friendliness, and compatibility with your preferred devices.
Popular Exchanges
To buy, sell, or trade Zuko inu, you can use various popular exchanges such as ArkenSwap, Trader Joe. These platforms offer a seamless experience and allow you to manage your investments in Zuko inu with ease. Always remember to conduct thorough research before choosing an exchange, as the security and reliability of the platform are crucial for your digitalassets.