Why autoPay?
Earn rewards as any BSC token for holding $autoPay tokens. The earned reward currency will be determined by the autoPay community and will be active for 48 hours after the current Telegram poll ends.
7% of every transaction will be collected as $autoPay tokens and liquidated automatically to buy the reward token which will be distributed to holders.
Our contract increases the LP automatically by turning tokens collected from the taxes to LP tokens. The newly created LP tokens are being sent to the burn address afterwards.
3% of every transaction will be collected as $autoPay tokens and turned to LP tokens to proceed with the LP burns.
We will make an instant donation of 20 BNB to a community chosen Binance charity project for each 1 Million USD market cap milestone we hit. Donations will be made only once per market cap milestone hit - so if we would drop below a milestone market cap and hit it again, the