The year is 1983 in an alternate universe, The entire Synth population of Synth City are made of Synthetic cyber beings that inhabit this megalopolis. With a population of 10,000,000 jam-packed into the flashy neon jungle. The valuable Currency of $SCYI is the life blood of this city. That citizens will do their upmost to get their hands on it. Join our universe Synth City and become an exclusive holder of Synth City, in our upcoming fair-launch and soon to be released NFT set of 2,000 Unique Synth City Characters
Fair-launch Info:
3% Marketing
3% Liquidity
3% Rewards
3% Development
NFT Info:
- Official NFT drop 9/30
- 1% of $SYCI Holders will receive a SynthCity NFT
- Mint price: 0.25BNB (Minting will be available on website)
- Storefront & Trading will be available on LootEX & NFTTrader
- Binance Smart Chain