If you missed $GODZILLA ZILLA/CAKEZILLA TOKEN , don?t miss this because the two tokens are coming back combined & trying to make massive history in the DEFI SPACE.
$SUMZILLA is a token on Binance Smart Chain boasting various impressive features.
Total supply: 100,000,000,000
Token reward will be $BUSD!
Hope you enjoy the rewards, LFG!
Fee 15% for buy and sell:
4% marketing fee
7% $BUSD rewards
4% liquidity fee
Max wallet: (will be increased after launch)
Max transaction:
Telegram: https://t.me/SummerZilla
Website: summerzilla.space
Liquidity Lock: https://deeplock.io/lock/0x7c71347c0a1Bb3a3643e1F1211A37BdC8284834A
Pancakeswap V2: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xc917623678779d076f1d1f640b36ccc61a79ab14
Contract: 0xc917623678779d076f1d1f640b36ccc61a79ab14