Earn 10% ADA Reflections every 60 minutes directly into your wallet! The coin is also 100% rug proof as Liquidity is locked.
$RoyalADA Tokenomics
10% ADA Rewards every 60 Minutes
(Hold your coins and you will automatically be rewarded every 60 minutes. 10% of every transaction costs are used to reward all holders with ADA)
5% Marketingwallet
(Another 5% of the transaction costs are automatically added to the Marketingwallet to assure a great Marketing for RoyalADA)
2% Returns to Liquidity-Pool
(Another 2% of the transaction costs are automatically added to the LiquidityPool to assure fast and secure trading)
?Big marketing started
?LOW Marketcap
?Lottery-Contract in Development
26 October 2021
Launching & Marketing. Telegram Raids and more, Reddit, TikTok and YouTube Marketing.
30 October 2021
Apply for Cmc and Coingecko, Coinvoting Sites & Starting poocoin Ads
Q4 2021
Marketing with Bigger Influencers and Launching Lottery-System for RoyalAda
Q1 2022
Applying for Exchangelistings like Hobit, Kukoin, Bitmart and others
Partnering with NFT Projects & Development of own NFTs
Website: https://royalada.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/royaladabsc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/royaladahq
Earn 10% ADA Reflections every 60 minutes directly into your wallet! The coin is also 100% rug proof as Liquidity is locked.
$RoyalADA Tokenomics
10% ADA Rewards every 60 Minutes
(Hold your coins and you will automatically be rewarded every 60 minutes. 10% of every transaction costs are used to reward all holders with ADA)
5% Marketingwallet
(Another 5% of the transaction costs are automatically added to the Marketingwallet to assure a great Marketing for RoyalADA)
2% Returns to liquidity