Robo Doge is a smart, hyper deflationary, community-driven protocol, that rewards its holders through smart tokenomics. We are a newer, more sophisticated, stronger version of the doge family.
Known Devs, contract tested, verified, deployed, 21.47% of supply already burnt!
17% Tax Applied To Every Transaction
5% reflected back to holders
6% added to locked liquidity pool
2% burnt forever
3% reflected to marketing & Development wallet
1% reflected to neuroscience & AI charity wallet.
This tokenomic model is far more advanced than other contracts. There are several advantages with this type of smart contract.
Supply decreases with every single transaction, "Hyper Deflation" adding more value to each token as time goes on.
The added liquidity after each transaction will also help to stabilize price action.
The reflection back to holders acts as a reward. Since Robodoge is not alive, and doesn't need treats to stay motivated, we can instead reward, and treat our holders. "Much Paw!!!"