PACMAN META is the naturally evolution of PACMAN which starts 1980?s as ?Acrade-Game? in the past you had to pay to play but the time has changed! EARN $PMM with every coin your EXICTED PACMAN eats! Just 999 unique NFT?s will drop, AS EARLY INVESTOR BENEFIT we will offert the first 999 Investors who will invest more than 2BNB in our Fairlaunch 1 Limited NFT?s for free. (the Floor Price Will be 3BNB) ? 2% LIQUIDITY FEE ? KYC & AUDIT ? NO TEAM TOKEN
Our gamers will be able to trade their $PMM without any requirements to PCS on
our in-development mobile app or use them to buy exclusive IN-Game items that
they can trade, sell, rent or auction on our upcoming marketplace