Want to bed BUSD rewards on the cryptomarket? Join FegBUSD.
Right here in FEG, we've got based dev, helpful staff, renounced ownership and burned liquidity. What else can you ask for in a COMMUNITY token? Nothing!
FEG BUSD automatically adds BUSD to your wallet every 30 minutes. Now isn't that awesome? ?
The project is aimed at helping people that have been rugged or scammed. We aren't here to scam you. All we're set to do is put money in your pocket. Currently, we're pushing for clothing marketing, and design. So stick with us.
We're going to release a website with a working app for people to check their balances. Along the line of the future, we can create a platform where people can have trusted projects go through our platform.
The only way to key into the amazing opportunity that FEG has to offer is to hold. Don't let panic sellers take your spot y'all. Let's build this community together. Hand in hand we can make it work.
If you do your part as we do ours, we can take this to the moon.