Here?s some information about the $TINU Token.
Sale is on December 20th, 2021 18:00 UTC
We are hosting our Fairlaunch on PancakeSwap V2 (PUBLIC SALE)
Initial liquidity is 20 BNB
Max Buy is 1 BNB at start.
Liquidity is locked for 7 Months.
We are working on growt our community.
Our Tokenomics are:
50% Public Fairlaunch (Hosted on PANCAKESWAP)
2.5% NFT Creation (Details in our website)
40% Burn (To pump the Marketcap)
2.5% Team wallet (Locked & Vesting period untill 27th July 2022 )
5% Airdrop (To increase holders amount and awareness in social media)
The devs are planning DOXXED
Yes, dev is planning to reveal his identity and complete KYC.
Dev is from Europe and will be with you on voice chats everyday before the sale to answer all of your questions. Also, we will be having a strong moderation team.
? Here?s our Contract address : 0xB982a72971ee7450B5bcE5a6ABefb92809b63dc8
?Telegram: https://t.me/TobyInu_official
??Website: tobyinu.net