PAPAFLOKIRISE - ??Floki?? - if you missed Tiki, missed Everise, missed Papadoge? 0% tax - BNB reward - Buyback function - Wake up kids, go with Papa to the moon ? Launch on 30 June
PAPAFLOKIRISE - ??Floki???????? coming out of his retirement to give his children a second chance if they had missed Tiki, Everise, Papadoge ?
Why i think it is potential?
At 1st, this is a community coin come from Chinese local group for FUN but got these amazing function:
? no tax on all buy order
? bnb rewards pool
? buy back on every sell orders
Are u tired of being taxed 12%-19% just for buying into a project? We are too! That?s why we creat a new function for PapaFlokiRise takes pride in only taxing sell orders. The best part? taxes from sell orders go directly back into your wallet in the form of BNB! They also use a part of these taxes to operate our unique buyback system ensuring that you never see two sell orders in a row. Just chill and see how the no tax on buy orders works out.