The Dichromneon ALPHA BSC token (DCROM) is phase 1 of the Dichromneon crypto project. It?s initial purpose is to raise awareness to the cause, recruit like-minded individuals, spread our message and secure funding through the creation and sale of NFT art.
Our long-term goal is to build a platform that financially incentivizes participation in the movement including promoting fact-checking, the development of higher brain functions through our philosophy of ?art over commerce,? and protesting ?free? social media/app models and algorithms that effectively brainwash and commodify human beings through the exploitation of the brain?s dopamine goal/reward system.
We believe strongly in decentralized finance for its role in protecting privacy and offering a defense of individual liberty and see it as an essential tool for the movement.
3% Tax
The total tax amount, per transaction (buy/sell) of DCROM, is just 3%.
Instant Reflections
The entirety of the 3% tax is distributed instantly to holders of DCROM. The more you hold, the larger the reflections.
Burned/Locked LP
51% supply burned. 29% LP locked on Cryptex