Hey guys! Derpy Toshi is our aesthetically pleasing doggo who represents a celebration of dogs acting like derps, and he is now a part of the Satoshi Street Bets ecosystem! So you will be seeing him around a lot on our Reddit, Twitter, Discord, Telegram groups and SatoshiStreetBets.com platform when it launches! The full info about Derpy Toshi is on the website DerpyToshi.com, but to summarise:
This is an Ethereum token with reflection rewards, meaning you earn passive income just from holding your tokens in your wallet. There is a 9% fee on each transaction where 3% goes to Derpy Toshi holders, 3% goes to the liquidity pool and 3% goes to the growth fund!
Launch info
Start price ~$0.0000054 (as of now based on the current price of ETH) Initial liquidity ~$200k (again as of now based on ETH) Fully diluted starting market cap - $5.4 million Starting market cap accounting for vested tokens (20%) - $4.3 million We will also be burning a VERY significant amount of tokens in the days ahead Buy on Uniswap with ETH here