Mô tả
GoldenRatio (PHI) is a token that does not let price drop below a certain point 0.618 ratio from ATH for default.
Every new ATH sets the price floor a new high, So price will be lifted at all times.
This is against BNB not any stable token is BNB price drops any chart indicator will show you price is dropped below the threshold, this is not the case
Please look BNB pairing for charts not USD if you wanna see the real movements against BNB.
Also apart from that , there is increased tax for investors who sell at close or at ATH. (About %5 percent near ATH).
From psychological point of view I concluded these results:
Token is self "marketing" or "shilling" , If you bought this token and price is below a certain point you will need other people to invest to gain access to your funds.
So , any normal investor would "shill" their token to others , this would create a snowball effect and cycle would repeat with more people everytime.
Normally when a token's price crashes people would just accept it and move on , this is not the case here.
Selling close to ATH is a %12.5 percent loss for the maker. So any logical person would wait others to drop the price %5 percent before selling
But if most people thinks like that amount of sell pressure at ATH is lowered by a lot.
There is classic reflection and liquidity and burn traits of token which you can see below ( default is %0.5 , %3 , %0.5)
Max wallet is %1.
I do have a small dev fee %0.5 , but can be increased to 1.5% if something happens and i need funds for the token , (Maybe a marketing , or a new liquidity for other DEX etc.);
I cannot increase dev fees beyond 1.5% contract does not allow that.
Chart: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x531e54cf925c3dd579f3513f7f5ad72ca7b8bf03
>What is the GoldenRatio coin?