YokedShiba has just launched on BSC!
YokedShiba was founded by a tight-knit Discord community looking to finally create a fair community token on the BSC Chain.
YokedShiba is a dog-themed community token designed to bring the famous Swole Doge meme to the Binance Smart Chain. Our goal is to be a 100% community-driven project.
What?s the unique feature? The Marketing taxes will be reduced to 0% over time to become a true and unique community token.
?? YokedShiba Yokenomics ??
?4% Auto LP?
?5% Marketing?
??7% Redistribution??
?Initial Supply: 1 Million?
?Max Transaction(first 10 minutes): 500?
??Slippage: >16%??
? Telegram: https://t.me/YokedShibaBSC (@YokedShibaBSC)
? Twitter: https://twitter.com/YokedShiba
? Website: https://yokedshiba.finance
? Woofpaper: https://yokedshiba.finance/Woofpaper.pdf
People from The Kingdom are involved!
The Yoked Shiba team is doxxed and renowned for their recent KuKitty launch on KCC which did a 442x!
More info in the Telegram/Woofpaper!