Teh MemeCoin - $MEMECOIN
An experiment in 0 tax tokenomics.
Are you tired of investing in tokens only to be dumped on? Great! So were we? That?s why we created a solution.
Teh MemeCoin is a long-term Cryptocurrency project with huge plans!
-A 24 hour Jeet Tax that will Tax a seller 25% within the first 24 hours of a purchase, preventing sellers from dumping and getting away with it.
-Celebrating 60 years of the OG Meme: The Happy Face ?!
-50% of the supply will be burned on launch ?!
-10% will go into a staking pool.
-Holders will be rewarded Jeets will get Rekt.
We will become Teh MemeCoin of all MemeCoins the OG ?!
Ca will be renounced & LP Locked ?
Check out our website: tehmemecoin.com
Or join our Tg: t.me/Teh_MemeCoin
Medium: https://medium.com/@tehmemecoin/teh-memecoin-an-experiment-in-0-0-tax-tokenomics-d97ec954e16c
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tehmemecoin?s=21
Launching on: 12th of June!