This Ecosystem will come with 2 projects
1) ?Fenix Token (our pillar Token) will be using this for worldwide transactions once we ha e gained recognition n support)?
2) ??A swap n a special token (this will come together giving surprising rewards to our long term holders n long term holders will get to buy this token at bast rate before anyone can) the special rewards will be based on a calculations will be revealed later n more will contribut massive burning to Fenix token.??
3) l??iquidity will be locked for a year??
4) ??fenix token -
Tokenomics - 2% redistribution
4% buyback n burn
6% marketing ??
5) ?our community - we believe that a strong community is always essential for the growth of our Project... Its gonna be uphill task but it rely on every single one of us to get this project moving we need to work as a team - with us all the best of the best ?