Join the MINDFUCK community
The MINDFUCK community is only here to make profits by holding Mindfuck.
Selling for bucks is not for MINDFUCKERS.
We use four simple concepts to make us get big gains.
During each trade there is 2% Reflection, 6% Buy-Back and 3% Marketing acquisition.
This concept makes the price rise fast without dealing with high volatility.
MindFuck Buy-Back collects 6% fees on each transaction and maintains it under contract. Whenever a Sell happens, a fraction of the Buyback amount is used to automatically buy from the Liquidity Pool and burns those tokens accordingly. This new concept makes the investors confident about the raise by seeing buys happening and keep holding the MINDFUCK TOKEN.
With this new concept you will always see buys after the sells to eat the dips while liquidity grows and volatility decreases.