100% Decentralized Community Driven Token
Fenix project is a community driven, fair launched DeFi Token. Fenix is a smart contract based crypto which uses BEP-20 interface, making it secure and immutable. Fair launch, doxxed devs, locked LP and renounce ownership . We will have frequent AMA's in future to answer our community's on most important questions.
Hold And Earn Fenix
The tokenomics make it possible for you to earn Fenix just by holding the coins in your wallet. There is a 10% tax on every transaction made. 5% of all the transaction fees on the network are allocated to token holders.
Power to the Hodlers
Profit from Holding, reward for holders with a 5% transaction tax which puts Fenix directly into your wallet every time someone buys or sells. The other 5 % is sent to the dedicated liquidity pool (Strong liqudity, less price volatility)
Investement projects
The Fenix team has many other projects in line for its investors, including 2 NFTs and a decentralized exchange, called FenixSwap, coming in the near future
The dev team all relinquished their wallets before launch and the project is supported fully by the Fenix community. Small part of 4 % was saved for a marketing. We are not charity token, but we will do our best to sent every month randomly some donations to Orphans organizations worldwide.