?Blue Lovee | $BLOVEE?
Uniqueness & Our Goal:
To support our police departments and to bridge the gap between our officers and our communities.
? 345+ Holders?
?Doxxed Team?
?Liquidity Locked?
?????2% Police Charity in every transaction?????
?Unique Goal?
?2% Burning in every transaction?
?Low MCAP Gem?
??PancakeSwap Link: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0x67ae55cad03c3ac57c022794b83b63617fb02989
??Slippage: 8%
??PooCoin Chart Link: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x67ae55cad03c3ac57c022794b83b63617fb02989
??Contract Address: 0x67ae55cad03c3ac57c022794b83b63617fb02989
(Contract Address is Mono-Spaced. Click to copy it)
Telegram: https://t.me/BlueLoveeCommunity
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Blue_Lovee_
Website: https://bluelovee.com