Lanu Chain is a new blockchain system that creates a stable coin on its own network, offers borrowing opportunities, and offers the opportunity to trade leverage. The three-generation referral system offers users the opportunity to earn a stable, predictable passive income and, thanks to banking collaboration, claim their own Lanu card, which can be managed in the Lanu application and used anywhere in the world where credit card payment is possible. Lanu will be integrated with other blockchains, such as Ethereum, Tron, Tezos, Polygon, Harmony, Solana, Velos and EOS?. Thus, Lanu Chain will be the one-stop shop for Decentralized Financial (Defi) applications.
??$LAU token pre-sale price: 0,01$
??PancakeSwap listing price: 0.1 $
??UniSwap listing price: 0.1 $
??QuickSwap listing price: 0.1 $
??JustSwap listing price: 0.1 $
??Wagyu Swap listing price: 0.1 $
??Initial liquidity: 250.000 $ + pre-sale
??No vesting perioud
?? Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aSW4KApbswcvATi5PFw1M4Mru2AfKHNF/view
?? Roadmap: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SAMTuLJkRS281QBjWTrHsgA2z4NXYYTv/view
? Pre-sale description : https://medium.com/@lanuchain/pre-sale-open-a4f1e52be40e
? Pre-sale link: https://dxsale.app/app/v3/defipresale?saleID=1648&chain=BSC