? Boost Token
? Hyper-deflationary token
? 5% redistributed to holders
? 5% Buy back
? 4% Marketing wallet
? Total supply
?92% Liquidity pool
? 5% Donation funds
? 3% Marketing wallet
? LP locked 1 year First Time.
? Ownership renounced.
? Fair launch.
? No team wallet.
( Initial iquidity lock LP 92% period
?1 year in PancakeSwap loked on mudra
??Click here for the certificate.
?Liquidity Pool Share 100%
??Total BSTT In Pool 8600000000
?Liquidity locked - Unlocked in a year
??Click For Link In BSCSCAN
( LOCKED period 1 year all taxes run properly
?1 Year UNTIL Mon Sep 05 2022 00:01:36 GMT+0200
??0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (NOT YOU)
?? ( US
?? coinsniper