XmenSwap is a decentralized exchange running on Binance Smart Chain and Pancake swap exchange, with features that let you earn and win tokens.
Like most of the yield farming on decentralized finance (DeFi) is done via liquidity pools. A liquidity pool is a smart contract that holds on to and locks the cryptocurrencies/tokens of investors. Liquidity providers contribute to the liquidity of a trading pair pool, such as XMEN-BNB, by depositing their crypto (in this case XMEN and BNB) in the pool, receiving LP (Liquidity Pool) XMEN tokens in return.
Token Info
Name: XMEN Token
Symbol: XMEN
Chain: Binance Smart Chain #BSC
Token Contract: 0xcddb8ce50ab9ad5de5c1f4fc2e158af2d3899fe1