?Name : WildPig
?Symbol : WPG
?Contract Address : 0xa866Ab0Fc12aa32910F98f260bB56Eec1da83625
?Liquidity : 20BNB
?LP Locked for 1 month
??Total Supply: 100,000,000,000.
1). 45% burned
2). 55% to add liquidity
??Operational development : 1% of each transaction is used by Dev WildPig to fund marketing, development costs and other operating cost;
??Dividend bonus for holding currency : 3% of each transaction will be redistributed to all holders according to the number of WildPig held by the holder;
??Locked as liquidity : 3% of each transaction is automatically put into the liquidity pool;
??Lottery pool rewards : 8% of each transaction is randomly sent to 1 WildPig holder as the lucky coin holder for each transaction;
??FOMO rewards : 1% of each transaction flows into the FOMO pool. If WildPig is greater than the specified value, you can enter the reward list; if no one else enters the list again within 30 minutes, you will receive the FOMO POOL reward;