$SHEB is the governance token of the SHEba Ecosystem. The SHEba Ecosystem features an anime NFT marketplace and token swap aptly named SHEba?s Ichiba and Kawase. The $SHEB governance token will give holders privileges within the ecosystem, such as voting rights and whitelist positions for all tokens SHEba-related!
SHEba Inu?s tokenomics are basic with the intent being simple tokenomics are conducive to long-term growth and sustainability. There is a standard 9% tax on all $SHEB transactions. This tax is broken down as follows: 3% is reflected to all holders, 3% is sent to the liquidity pool, and 3% is used for marketing.
SHEba Inu was created by a trusted team of developers who are devoted full-time to the success of $SHEB! Join the telegram and an admin will be happy to answer any questions!