Proof of Pool provides liquidity providers such as PancakeSwap, Uniswap, ApeSwap etc. on decentralized exchanges
It is a reliability protocol that plays an important role in establishing the first liquidity pool and confirming the reliability level of the contract scope.
In summary, Proof of Pool is a project created to prevent RugPull projects and to determine/audit contract reliability. In another way, the Proof of Pool can be thought of as a liquidity trust layer.
Proof of Pool Usage and Advantage
Proof of Pool is an intermediary middleware called POP Net network. Token holders spend their first liquidity on PancakeSwap etc. Instead of doing it through the decentralized exchange, it liquidates via POP Net and with token liquidity, contract
reliability is ensured by layer trust with POP Net network. POP Net is not a decentralized exchange or liquidity pooler.
When token projects want to initiate liquidity through PancakeSwap, they create a liquidity pool on PancakeSwap using the POP Net network.
While projects that are dire