Fomo3D/PoWH3D clone from back in 2018 Summer.
Fomo3D testnet running on BSC(https://fomo3d.net/)
P3D website: https://powh3d.io/
Mcap over 140k
10% tax on sells, no tax on buys
Liquidity locked
P3D Contract: 0x71c300e7b6d16cf3cdc4695fa5ba713ae636ed9e
What is P3D & Fomo3D?
Fomo3D is a game dApp running on BSC network(fomo3d.net).
P3D is the token for this dApp.
P3D holders will be getting divs from all the money that goes into Fomo3D.
P3D has a 10% burn fee when selling, but no fee when buying.
In order for P3D holders to get divs from Fomo3D, they would have to stake their tokens in the staking pool, once Fomo3D is launched on mainnet.