Join the hype train and become part of the Plushy Coin army. Huge moonshot potential because of the fixed supply of a 100 million, creating a foundation for price stability. The AUDITED Plushy contract can NEVER be changed because the ownership has been rescinded, and it has been audited by TechRate. Join us at the ground before we launch to the Moon! Join our Telegram now and get the chance of winning a plushy NFT on launch night!
BSCScan Link: https://bscscan.com/token/0x3485Dd53eDaD0d7D17BD73794CB143747d2b0ed1
Plushy Coin Presale Link : https://www.pinksale.finance/#/launchpad/0x67bbfb380A7d009cAA7b0D9E3Da3D4010b4ce78a?chain=BSC