What is Carbon Seed?
Carbon Seed is a Layer-2 Cross-Chain Carbon-Neutral Solution for Developing and Scaling DApps.
Carbon Seed developers can build high-performance user-friendly DApps, the platform is designed to be secure, performant, and scalable. The protocol runs on Binance Smart Chain with its Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, which aims to provide dynamic scalability and low fees, all with a commitment to reduce and offset our carbon footprint.
Main Features
Dynamic Scalability
Carbon Seed provides a set of intuitive developer tools for an engaged, decentralized community. With high speeds, low fees, and progressive UX design, Carbon Seed?s carbon-neutral chain is ready for explosive growth and mass adoption.
Carbon Neutral
Carbon Seed invests in eco projects such as planting trees or other sustainability as well as having its own efficient carbon-neutral chain. By investing or building on Carbon Seed, users can offset their companies? carbon footprint.
Multi-Chain Sustainability
Carbon Seed will run in concert with Ethereum, Solana, Polkadot, Cosmos, and more, allowing for the free flow of assets and communication between various blockchain networks for the betterment of everyone.
Tools For Developers & Users