The Covid-19 pandemic brought about a huge change in the world we live in, and we must use all our resources to support Covid-relief movements. Covid Crypto is a project featuring blockchain industry experts who have but one goal in common ? use their industry experience to help with the Covid crisis. They designed a crypto ecosystem that aims to support the community and help charity organizations with donations.
The community built around Covid Crypto is designed with transparency and sustainability in mind. What makes it stand out is its Covid Crypto (COVD$) native token, a BEP-20 crypto built on the Binance Smart Chain. 10% tax to community. 6% directly into liquidity pool. 2% distributed to token holders. 2% burn. 5% of total supply towards charity organisations. We stand for trust, transparency and sustainability. We have a track and trace system developed to proof our fundamentals. The team already donated to charity with their own funds. See our social media plaftorms.