This coin is living its second life thanks to the team of well reputable telegram bsc coin enthusiasts who are known for their hard work and honest approach.
They chose to rise Shamrock from the dead because it has anti-whale and anti-bot tokenomics and safe features. Who doesn?t love to invest in coins like Shamrock?
*200.000.000 Supply*
*50% Liquidity Burned*
*1.5% Max Hold per Wallet*
*Fair Launch*
*Ownership renounced*
Telegram community around Shamrock token is less than 100 people but hard working. They are very knowledgeable, creative, positive and responsive. I have been in this community since day one and they are the most tight knit I have ever had a chance to be involved in.
Holders are amazing, very few sells show the maturity and resistance of the investors and give a safe base to start with.
To summarize: