A fully deflationary token that will appreciate with every single successive transaction. $SANSA?s deflationary mechanisms include a burn and redistribution system. 1% of each transaction is burned, and 4% is distributed as rewards to holders.
Contract Address: 0x92DD8783176DA54B52e631E82dd76d826dCccA61
?? Buy on PancakeSwap
?? Chart
?? Locked Liquidity
?? Renounced Ownership
? Tokenomics:
5% of every transaction contributes toward automatically generating further liquidity on PCS.
4% of every transaction is taken and automatically re-distributed to all SANSA holders.
1% of every transaction is taken and automatically burned sending to Dead Address.
50% burn at launch!
? Other characteristics:
? Locked Liquidity
? Renounced Ownership
? 100% Rug Free
? No Hidden Wallets (real fair launch)