Welcome to Red Floki
We present you Red Floki
Lottery Fee:
-Out of every buy transaction 1% will automatically go to our Loterry wallet while on each sell that transaction will turn into 1%.
Liquidity Fee:
-We have also implemented a tax of 1% on each buy & 1% of each sell transaction to be added back into the liquidity pool. This will provide us a stronger floor and give a bigger incentive to hold.
-After launch we will submit for an audit and it will be done in the upcoming week.
?Red Floki Tokenomics?
-Total Supply
-Network - BEP20
-Burn - 0%
-PCS Liquidity - 95%
-Team Wallet - 5%
?Total Tax?
2 % Buy - 2% Liquidity
2 % Sell - 2% Liquidity
?Website: http://redfloki.co/
?Telegram: https://t.me/RedFlokiOfficial
?CONTRACT: 0xd975f939216cdc777438d0ef518e96d022896309
Telegram (https://t.me/RedFlokiOfficial)
RedFloki - Official
?Website: http://redfloki.co/
?Telegram: https://t.me/RedFlokiOfficial