The token is a meme- based project with a Total supply of 1 billion $MIYAGI Tokens, next to that there's an autos- staking function (reflection fee & liquidity tax) which applies on every transaction made. 5% is being added to the Liquidity Pool, the LP Tokens are being destroyed (Basically locked forever) 4% is being redistributed to $MIYAGI Token holders! and 2% fee is being added to the Contract- Address (Consider this as the burn- wallet).
Features ? Contract Verified ? Fair Presale (Hardcap reached) ? Liquidity Locked (dxsale lock 6months) ? Ownership Renounced ? 80% Will be added to Pancakeswap lp pool! The token is a meme- based project with a Total supply of 1 billion $MIYAGI Tokens, next to that there's an autos- staking function (reflection fee & liquidity tax) which applies on every transaction made. 5% is being added to the Liquidity Pool, the LP Tokens are being destroyed (Basically locked forever) 4% is being redistributed to $MIYAGI Token holders! and 2% fee is being