King Of The Doge is ?Gamified? tokenomics that incentivize holders to purchase $KOTD in order to rank high in King Of The Doge. The Capture the Flag aspect also incentivizes investors to buy, it gives holders an opportunity to receive a great amount of $KOTD through taxes.
The King Of The Doge is the top buyer within a 4 hour interval. If you are the King, you are rewarded with 3% of every transaction until someone buys above what the current King has bought. Imagine the gains!
? Capture The Flag ?
Capture the flag by buying a minimum of 2.5 million $KOTD. Whoever holds the flag receives 1% of every Transaction
? King Of The Doge (Earns 3% Benefits)
???? Capture the flag (Earns 1% Benefits)
? Redistribution (1%)
? Burn (1%)
? Treasury (4%)
Total Tax: 10%
Think you have what it takes to be Alpha Doge?
?? May The Best Doge Win ??
? @kingofthedogeofficial
? www.kingofthedoge.com