What Is Digies Coin (DIGS)? DIGS is a charitable cryptocurrency, to help raise awareness for veteran suicide prevention. DIGS has a 10% transactional tax on each transaction, (purchase, sell, or transfer). 3% of this tax is funded directly to the charity wallet, 3% is sent as a reward to the coin holders, 3% is dedicated to the liquidity pool, and 1% is burnt forever. Digies Coin launched on June 18, 2021 with a total supply of 6 trillion tokens. On the day of launch, roughly 2.5 trillion coins were sent to the burn wallet to keep a 50/50 USDT to DIGS balance in the liquidity pool. What makes Digies Coin unique? Digies Coin is focused on not only providing monetary donations to veteran focused charities, we are also going to provide giveaways to vets and the public investors, as well as offer fun, exhilarating experiences.