CryptoPositive, LLC (CPTX) has been established with the sole purpose of creating a safe and positive cryptocurrency experience that allows for the community to come together to help those in need. CPTX is a registered business in the state of Delaware. The establishment of CryptoPositive Token is to create a Reflection Token that will generate revenue to then provide its proceeds to CryptoPositive, Inc. (CPO), a 501(c)3 non-profit entity. For clarification purposes, CPTX and CPO are two separate and independent entities. For more information on CPO (the 501(c)3 non-profit entity), visit their website at www.cryptopositive.org. By creating a token that rewards its holders, gives all proceeds/profits to charitable causes, and facilitates an exciting and engaging environment, CPTX will attract investors, businesses, and establish relationships with other non-profit organizations that will change the lives of so many who can benefit from such a collaborative crypto community effort.