Chameleon Rewards is an innovative auto-claim dividend token on Binance Smart Chain (BEP20). Earn dividends just for holding and diversify your portfolio as the dividend token changes every 2 weeks!
Initial dividend token on launch is USDC (BEP20)
-Auto-Claiming (No manual claiming through dashboards required to get your rewards)
-Dividend/Reward token changes every 2 weeks!
-Initial Launch dividend token is - USDC
-4% of transaction volume is paid as dividends to holders
-6% of transactions go to liquidity
-10Billion Total Supply
-20% Pre-Sale
-5% Reserve
-75% Deployed to PancakeSwap v2 for public sale/trade
?10Billion Total Supply - 20% available for Pre-Sale to be held very SOON!
?Pre-Sale info:
? Total tokens available for Pre-Sale = 2Billion
?Hardcap = 20bnb
?Softcap = 8bnb
?1bnb = 100Million tokens
?.5bnb = 40Million tokens
?Pre-sale MAX buy-in is 1.5bnb