Trust is our First Priority
100% Decentralized & Driven by Public
Liquidity is Locked for 100 years.
100% Safe, Secure and Unruggable.
On Every Trade 5% Automatically Liquidity Generator.
On Every Trade 5% distributed to the holders.
10% of the total supply in Dev wallet & locked for 5 years.
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
Maximum Supply: 1,000,000,000
No Mintable & Burn on every trade
??No Presale
??Dev Doxxed
??Liquidity Lock
??Fair Launch
Rewards Holding
5% of each transaction is redistributed to the holders. That means you earn more Binance Doge Coins by just holding them in your wallet.
Locked Dev Wallet
Binance Doge aims to become the most secured and rug proof token in existence, So we've locked the Dev wallet for 5 Years, Which contains 10% of the Total Supply.
Locked Liquidity
All Liquidity Pool tokens locked for 100 years. So it is 100% secure and unruggable.