BNBKitty is a Binance Smart Chain token that rewards holders in the form of tax reflections through BNB, BNBKitty, and liquidity pool growth.
Each BNBKitty buy, sell, or transfer is taxed 15%. 14% is reflected to current holders based on their market share (13% as BNB, 1% as BNBKitty), while the remaining 1% is used to grow the locked liquidity pool. There is an anti-whale limit of 1.5% (15 trillion) of the total supply. Individual sells are limited to 0.1% (1 trillion), with an anti-dump limit of 0.15% (1.5 trillion) per hour. These unique mechanics delay sell pressure and potentially mitigate market dumps.
What makes BNBKitty unique is that token holders can claim their reward share at any time through the official website or BSCScan.