About me, well?. okay, I love lasagna. I hate Mondays. People who read my strips and watch my shows actually think I talk to Jon but the whole time I'm just doing this monologue in my head.? What else?? Uhm... yeah, the less important stuff.? This token's liquidity is locked, its ownership is renounced and the devs are safe as fuck.?
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 tokens
?50% burned at launch
?1% reflections
?5% marketing
?3% LP
?No dev wallet / airdrops
1.5% max TRX, 1.5% max wallet
TG: http://t.me/BabyGarfieldBSC
CA: 0xae02c5602045cb07e796d08a620b0e2254e19abe
Download TG stickers:
So, be cool. Don?t fret if you missed the other Garfield coin. This one?s got your back, broski!