Posizione #2,215


Staking - Protocol ● Lanciato 25 mesi fa


RingFi is the next generation DeFi release on the BSC network that is conceived to earn passive returns in the easiest and most sustainable way.
The token model behind is an experimental approach to ''The circular economy'' concept, consisting of an Auto-staking feature just by holding the token plus a fixed APY that is sustainable over time and backed by a reserve of funds.
$RING token is powered by rebases, that reward holders with a 0.02355% every 15min. This means an annual compound interest of 382,945%. This APY is fixed and it is secured thanks to the 14% and 16% taxes with buys and sells respectively.
Other protocols allow bonds that passively dilute your position and pass it on to bondholders (thereby reducing your market share). Thanks to the tax system, RingFi gets its income from taxes, not bonds, and when someone buys or sells, investors benefit. There is no passive dilution to mint new tokens through binding.
The goal for the $RING token is simple, to build a Crypto Reserve Currency that will still exist in the years to come and become the base for a future ecosystem that offers a range of crypto products and services, all built from a strong foundation of consistent high APY rewards.
The tokenomics of $RING are meant to ensure the project's sustainability in perpetuity. The rewards received by $RING holders come from a fee charged to every user each time $RING is transacted, either through a buy or sell. This amount is accrued to a special wallet and designed to support the rebase rewards in $RING going forward algorithmically.

Posizione di Mercato

Nel dinamico e sempre mutevole panorama delle criptovalute, RingFi si è affermato come un giocatore formidabile. Attualmente è classificato #21,055 nel mercato delle criptovalute in base alla sua capitalizzazione di mercato. Questa classifica riflette la fiducia e la sicurezza che il mercato ha in RingFi come asset digitale valido.

Supporto Wallet

Per conservare in modo sicuro i tuoi token RingFi, puoi utilizzare una varietà di portafogli come Trust Wallet, MetaMask, SafePal, Coin98. Questi portafogli forniscono un ambiente sicuro per la gestione e la conservazione dei tuoi asset digitali. È essenziale scegliere un portafoglio che supporta la specifica criptovaluta e offre un alto livello di sicurezza, usabilità e compatibilità con i tuoi dispositivi preferiti.



Prezzo$ 0.00
Market Cap$ 0
Variazione 24h (%)—%
Offerta Totale-
Offerta Circolante-
Data di LancioMarch 10th 2022, 00:00
Data aggiuntaMarch 7th 2022, 15:13
Elencato daRINGFI

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