Posizione #2,391


Health ● Lanciato 25 mesi fa
Binance Smart Chain


The cutest $CAKE provider on the Binance Smart Chain! Just hold and love your $KittyCat for a steady supply of $CAKE.
While the age old war between cats and dogs is never ending.
KittyCatBSC got hungry and deviated from their original goal of enlarging the Cat army.

To satisfy in this pestering hunger, it was decided by the KittyCats to become a source of $CAKE for the entire Binance Smart Chain,
so no one would ever be hungry and cake-less again!

We started our journey with $CATS rewards and have the ability to adapt to an ever changing environment in Crypto by being able to change
our reflection token based on community input.

With hardcoded MINIMUM max transaction amount of 0.1% of the total supply.
With hardcoded MAXIMUM tax of 12.5%.
No exploitable functions for the owner.
BNB in the contract can only be used for buying and burning $KittyCat or autoliquidity.
Liquidity initially locked for 1 year.
Open and transparent team, DOXXED Founder

To prevent sudden huge dumps, the max transaction amount will be set according to our Liquidity Pool,
enabling the contract to sell for rewards at the highest price and preventing sudden dumps.
This max transaction amount has a hardcoded minimum of 0.1% (1 million tokens).

KittyCat Tokenomics

8% Tax on every buy and 12% tax on every sell transaction to ensure the future of $KIT and proper rewards to our holders.
5%/7.5% $CAKE reflections to all holders, trying to end the big hunger for more on the Binance Smart Chain.
2% Marketing and Operations to grow $KIT and ensure a steady influx of new holders.
1% Liquidity pool to ensure a healthy liquidity backing on our journey.

Total supply: 1,000,000,000
Burned at launch: 500,000,000
Team payment: 50,000,000 (This will be the only payment in tokens the team will receive.)

Posizione di Mercato

Nel dinamico e sempre mutevole panorama delle criptovalute, KittyCat si è affermato come un giocatore formidabile. Attualmente è classificato #7,147 nel mercato delle criptovalute in base alla sua capitalizzazione di mercato. Questa classifica riflette la fiducia e la sicurezza che il mercato ha in KittyCat come asset digitale valido.

Supporto Wallet

Per conservare in modo sicuro i tuoi token KittyCat, puoi utilizzare una varietà di portafogli come Trust Wallet, MetaMask, SafePal, Coin98. Questi portafogli forniscono un ambiente sicuro per la gestione e la conservazione dei tuoi asset digitali. È essenziale scegliere un portafoglio che supporta la specifica criptovaluta e offre un alto livello di sicurezza, usabilità e compatibilità con i tuoi dispositivi preferiti.



Prezzo$ 0.(0x4)1742
Market Cap$ 8,711.82
Variazione 24h (%)+0.00%
Offerta Totale-
Offerta Circolante-
Data di LancioMarch 13th 2022, 00:00
Data aggiuntaMarch 15th 2022, 00:19
Elencato daKITTYCAT

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