Posizione #916

Abstratech Token LLC

Technology - Blockchain ● Lanciato 19 mesi fa
Binance Smart Chain


Whitepaper de Abstrac Token [ENGLISH VERSION]


Abstract Token is the native token of the company Abstratech Token LLC, an application development company with artificial intelligence systems to make the technology more useful and easy to use for everyone. Abstract Token is used as a medium of exchange in all our developments, and is based on the Binance Smartchain network.

Token Description

Abstract Token has a total supply of 35 trillion, which ensures its availability for use in all company developments. The token is designed to have a balance in price and percentage of utility in each of our developments, which makes it a valuable tool for users of our applications.

Token utility

The Abstract token has a wide range of utilities in our developments. These include the following:

  • 1. As a means of exchange in our applications
  • 2. To access advanced features of our applications

  • 3. To pay for advertising in our applications
  • 4. To receive discounts on our products and services
    Application Development

    Abstratech Token LLC is an application development company with artificial intelligence systems. We are dedicated to creating innovative solutions to make technology more useful and easy for everyone to use. Our apps are designed to be intuitive and easy to use, and we use artificial intelligence to create personalized experiences for each of our users?

    Present and Future

    Abstratech Token LLC is a blockchain technology company that seeks to revolutionize the decentralized finance industry (DeFi). Our goal is to provide a token exchange platform that is secure, reliable and easy for anyone to use.

  • Posizione di Mercato

    Nel dinamico e sempre mutevole panorama delle criptovalute, Abstratech Token LLC si è affermato come un giocatore formidabile. Attualmente è classificato #2,622 nel mercato delle criptovalute in base alla sua capitalizzazione di mercato. Questa classifica riflette la fiducia e la sicurezza che il mercato ha in Abstratech Token LLC come asset digitale valido.

    Supporto Wallet

    Per conservare in modo sicuro i tuoi token Abstratech Token LLC, puoi utilizzare una varietà di portafogli come Trust Wallet, MetaMask, SafePal, Coin98. Questi portafogli forniscono un ambiente sicuro per la gestione e la conservazione dei tuoi asset digitali. È essenziale scegliere un portafoglio che supporta la specifica criptovaluta e offre un alto livello di sicurezza, usabilità e compatibilità con i tuoi dispositivi preferiti.



    Prezzo$ 0.(0x8)6687
    Market Cap$ 234,069.21
    Variazione 24h (%)+0.00%
    Offerta Totale-
    Offerta Circolante-
    Data di LancioSeptember 7th 2022, 00:00
    Data aggiuntaApril 12th 2022, 00:00
    Elencato daMillionaire Corp

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