Peringkat #7,466


Staking - Blockchain - Energy ● Diluncurkan 86 bulan yang lalu



Solaris is a blockchain platform offering tools for decentralized application development utilizing widely popular Microsoft technologies of C# using .NET Core platform. Solaris is powered by XLR, the native coin on the Solaris blockchain.

The Solaris Full Node uses the proven security consensus of Bitcoin, coupled with modern blockchain advancements, sleek interface and built on a modern stack of technologies.

Solaris is closely linked to Txbit exchange, with built in data stream in wallet and soon an integrated trading terminal in the Solaris Core Wallet supporting XLR, BTC and STRAT.

Solaris uses a Proof of Stake consensus mechanism, which is an energy efficient method of securing the network and allows coin holders to participate and get rewarded for staking their coins.

The Solaris Core supports Cold Staking, Cold Staking is a safe way to stake coins while they are held in an offline wallet.

Fast & Scalable
Solaris Blockchain is optimized for fast transactions and a high bandwidth capacity with only a 60 second block time.

Solaris is always looking for alternatives to a variety of financial services that are available today. A good example is Solaris Savings, that enables holders of Solaris to lock their funds on a centralized savings account and earn great interests. This is what we call a CeFi (centralized finance) service.

Peringkat Pasar

Dalam lanskap dinamis dan selalu berubah dari cryptocurrency, Solaris telah menetapkan dirinya sebagai pemain yang tangguh. Saat ini, ia berada di peringkat #22,397 di pasar cryptocurrency berdasarkan kapitalisasi pasarnya. Peringkat ini mencerminkan kepercayaan dan keyakinan yang dimiliki pasar terhadap Solaris sebagai aset digital yang layak.

Dukungan Dompet

Untuk menyimpan token Solaris Anda dengan aman, Anda dapat menggunakan berbagai dompet seperti Trust Wallet, MetaMask, SafePal, Coin98. Dompet-dompet ini menyediakan lingkungan yang aman untuk mengelola dan menyimpan aset digital Anda. Sangat penting untuk memilih dompet yang mendukung cryptocurrency tertentu dan menawarkan tingkat keamanan, kemudahan penggunaan, dan kompatibilitas yang tinggi dengan perangkat pilihan Anda.


Harga$ 0.00
Kapitalisasi Pasar$ 0
Variasi 24h (%)—%
Total Pasokan-
Pasokan Beredar-
Tanggal PeluncuranApril 2nd 2017, 00:00
Tanggal ditambahkanJuly 3rd 2021, 16:12
Didaftarkan olehMAN96

Temukan Koin Baru
