Peringkat #22,166


Blockchain - Marketplace ● Diluncurkan - yang lalu
Binance Smart Chain

Tuesday, 26 December 2023 UTC




Tuesday, 19 December 2023 UTC




Monday, 4 December 2023 UTC




Tanpa presale ataupun fair launch

Koin ini tidak memiliki presale atau peluncuran yang adil direncanakan.


Haunted Houses is a game where the main target is to catch as many ghosts as possible. The game is presented in the first-person shooter mode. The player controls his character using a touch gamepad (mobile) or keyboard and mouse (PC). The user starts the game with one of the default weapons to choose from. The main goal of the game is to open as many types of weapons as possible and break into the top of the rating. Weapons open as you progress through the levels. The weapons are digital, collectible items built on the Binance blockchain.
To buy them you need to earn money, which is generated by the number of destroyed ghosts on the level. Also, users can buy or sell via the marketplace. These NFT items allow players to monetize their game process, exchanging objects for the tokens. Our task is to form a community around the game, giving them the opportunity to trade on the Binance blockchain. Our game is based on the token. $LUMIGHOST Token is our main currency which can be achieved by playing game modes and participating in many other activities. You can exchange, trade, and buy anything within the game. You can also exchange a token for a stable coin or pairs, for a start we use LUMIGHOST/BNB and to infinity in the future.

Peringkat Pasar

Dalam lanskap dinamis dan selalu berubah dari cryptocurrency, LumiGhost telah menetapkan dirinya sebagai pemain yang tangguh. Saat ini, ia berada di peringkat #8,944 di pasar cryptocurrency berdasarkan kapitalisasi pasarnya. Peringkat ini mencerminkan kepercayaan dan keyakinan yang dimiliki pasar terhadap LumiGhost sebagai aset digital yang layak.

Dukungan Dompet

Untuk menyimpan token LumiGhost Anda dengan aman, Anda dapat menggunakan berbagai dompet seperti Trust Wallet, MetaMask, SafePal, Coin98. Dompet-dompet ini menyediakan lingkungan yang aman untuk mengelola dan menyimpan aset digital Anda. Sangat penting untuk memilih dompet yang mendukung cryptocurrency tertentu dan menawarkan tingkat keamanan, kemudahan penggunaan, dan kompatibilitas yang tinggi dengan perangkat pilihan Anda.


Harga$ 0.(0x5)7071
Kapitalisasi Pasar$ 3,535.86
Variasi 24h (%)+0.00%
Total Pasokan-
Pasokan Beredar-
Tanggal Peluncuran-
Tanggal ditambahkanNovember 29th 2021, 14:46
Didaftarkan olehAUGHT