? Is it a dog or a fox or a little bit of both? That doesn?t matter. What matters is where he is headed. He is headed on a journey - a journey towards a land far away; towards a land of untold riches. Grab some FOXY tokens & join him on this epic journey towards the moon & beyond. ?
? Total Supply ? 1000000000000000
Initial Allocation
? Initial burn: 20%
? PancakeSwap liquidity: 70%
? Marketing fund: 5%
? Giveaway fund: 5%
? To Liquidity ? 4%
? To Holders ? 2%
? To Marketing Wallet ? 3%
? To Giveaway Wallet ? 2%
? PancakeSwap Slippage - 12%
? Stealth launch
? Contract verified
? Ownership Renounced
? Liquidity locked