?BSC Scan: 0x0958fac26d489a0c86c053f9a4843ca57cc6ba7a
?Liquidity is locked:
?Contract: 0x0958fac26d489a0c86c053f9a4843ca57cc6ba7a
?Buy with 10% Slippage
The goal of SafeShiba is simple, reward holders. We might have a memecoin name, but we have the best tokenomics in the game. We are a fair launched and 100% transparent project that are always putting community in front of everything else.
Our Tokenomics are as follows:
Roadmap: To make sure we always deliver cutting edge tokenomics and features to our holders, we've devised the following roadmap:
Lending App (Q1 2022) - This is the pinnacle of our Tokenomics, 0% APY BTC borrowing against SAFESHIB.
DEX (Coming Q2 2022) - A state of the art DEX that will provide yield farming opportunities and additional ways for SAFESHIB to increase in value
NFTs (Coming Q4 2022) - Revolutionary NFT's that let you dive into the metaverse and experience Web 3.0. And of course, even more ways to spread value to SAFESHIB holders.