MetaBusiness is a Virtual Business Universe
$MEFI Token is deflationary and v8 production. When $MEFI Token holders perform a buy or sale, a tax deduction occurs at the following rates. There'll be a 3% tax deduction. 1% of this deduction is moved to the tool wallet. 20% of the tool wallet enters a luckydraw with the MEFI DEAL reward distribution system every 90 days. All holders carrying xxxx amount of MEFI tokens are participating in this luckydraw. The 30 winning wallets in the luckydraw are evenly distributed to 20% of the team wallet of $MEFI tokens. 1% of the tax deduction is distributed to all holders with the correct correlation to the MEFI token ratio in their wallets. 1% of the tax deduction is automatically burned so that it is never reached again.
Total Supply: 100 000 000 000
Slippage: %3