Doge HODL is the most prepared token to compete in the big crypto market, as well as its will break the world record of achievements within the BSC .
? Token Name: Doge HODL
? Symbol = $DOGEH
? BSC Contract: 0xBED5E6E8b34F36b0f7CB2296282562274144542C
? Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 ?
? Liquidity Lock.
? No Presales
? Slippage: 1%
? Buyback : + 4 % To holder
? 4% Marketing & Rewards
? 3% Redistribution
? 3% auto Liquidity
? Price Chart : https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xBED5E6E8b34F36b0f7CB2296282562274144542C
Buy on Pancakeswap
? Telegram : https://t.me/dogehodlofficial
? Website: http://dogehodltoken.online